
Simple acts of loving kindness

10 Aug

We are delighted to have received a wonderful gift of homemade hearts from www.silkelephant.org.uk which is a small charity based in Sale, Manchester, reminding us it is the small, simple acts of kindness that make such a difference to us in difficult times The hearts have been embroidered onto Harris Tweed squares, made with love from creative volunteers from all over the U.K from children as young as 7 and adults as old as 92 years old as part of the #GiftofaHeart campaign. Sending love to those facing difficulties during COVID19. Take this heartand hold it closeThink of the loved onesyou miss the most Take this heartand give it a squeezeOnce, Twiceas many times as you please Take this heartand close your eyesImagine your belovedRight there by your side

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Thank you

5 Aug

Mary and Joseph House like many others has had to change and evolve as lock-down restrictions have altered  the way we support our residents, their family and friends and health support services Our team have overcome numerous challenges over the past few months, including supporting residents to understand why the staff have to now wear masks and uniforms and why everyone has to follow social distancing guidelines, our dedicated staff have provided reassurance and support to those who need it most showing incredible commitment and continuing to provide excellent care during these unprecedented times As you are aware a major incident has been declared across Greater Manchester to address the rising number of Covid-19 cases, unfortunately these new guidelines also mean that we have had to review our visiting policy and to revise it in line with the updated government guidance which states that “You should not visit friends or family in care homes, other than in exceptional circumstances” We would like to thank all our residents and staff for everything they are doing to reduce the spread of this disease. This is a difficult time for everyone, we will continue to keep everyone updated as the guidelines change

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