

23 Sep

20th June 2016 was a significant date in our calendar, as this was the day we stopped smoking in the building. The planning and preparations have been ongoing for the last 9 months: working with the smoking cessation nurse; learning about e-cigarettes and making sure new facilities are in place so that everyone could be ready to take on this challenge residents and staff. Home Manager Julie commented “We’ve all been working hard to achieve this goal but I’d just like to offer a massive congratulations to all our residents and staff for taking this challenge on so whole heartedly, It’s a big change to the culture of our home but we know the benefits to our health and the overall well-being of our home will be well worth the effort.  

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Charity fundraising day

23 Sep

ANNUAL FUN DAY – 10th August 2016 The sun was shining and after a lovely barbeque lunch residents and staff were organised into mixed teams and competed in a series of lawn games to become 2016 Champions. This year we had some new games, including Archery, as well as old favourites such as Golf Putting and the infamous “Blind Penalty Shoot-out” as usual the teams were very competitive and everyone had great fun, the games always capture the spirit of Mary and Joseph House

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