Dear family and friend’s – information regarding: Coronavirus (COVID-19) We know some of you may be concerned about the spread of COVID-19 (the new coronavirus) being reported in the media and how it may impact us here at Mary and Joseph House, I would like to reassure you we are committed to the well-being of our residents and staff and we have been closely following the guidance from the Government, the Local Authority and the CQC (Care Quality Commission) regarding the coronavirus COVID-19 The latest government guidance on social distancing unfortunately means that we will have to close the home to all non-essential visitors until further notice We are taking these measures to minimise the risk of the coronavirus infecting your loved ones, we will do our very best to ensure that you continue to have contact via skype, facetime, email and mobile phone If you would like to discuss any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me at any time or a member of my team Yours sincerely, Julie Hoszowskyj – Home Manager
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
19 Mar