Celebrating the role of art in care! Thursday 27th June 2019 Mary and Joseph House took part in National Care Home Open Day, celebrating Art in Care and showcasing the creative work in our community, we were overwhelmed by the support we had from residents families and friends, professionals and the local community, our therapeutic art worker Sarah, held a fantastic art exhibition of the work our talented residents have completed and was available all day to discuss the benefits of involving people who live in care homes in the creative arts, which can delight, inspire and even bring health benefits. Our staff also provided tours of the home and pointed out all of the therapeutic activities that the residents are given the opportunity to take part in, it was a beautiful day, the sun shone allowing us to proudly show off our award winning gardens and the vegetables that our residents have grown, our catering team provided a lovely buffet lunch, and coffee and cake was also on offer
Care Home Open Day
19 Jun