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Registered Provider and Manager

Mary & Joseph House is managed by a voluntary committee acting as agents for the Trustees of The Joseph Cox Charity, which was established by Joseph Patrick Cox in 1963.

Registered Manager:
Julie Hoszowskyj
Mary & Joseph House
217 Palmerston Street
M12 6PT

Tel: 0161 273 6881

Registered Provider:
John Hubert Cox
The Joseph Cox Charity
63 Agnes Court
Wilmslow road
Fallowfield, Manchester
M14 6AJ

Tel: 0161 225 8504

Julie Hoszowskyj, the registered Manager has been looking after the residents at Mary & Joseph House since 1999, having had previous experience in working with older people and those with learning disabilities. She has completed NVQ Level 4 in Care and the Level 4 Registered Managers Qualification, and is responsible for the day to day running of the House.

John Cox, our registered provider, is the son of the Charity’s founder and has been a trustee of The Joseph Cox Charity since July 1969. He took over as Chairman of the Trustees 8 years later when Joe Cox sadly passed away. As well as being a successful business man, John has been heavily involved in the evolution of the Charity from running a hostel, to providing 24 hour residential care that is able to meet the complex needs and promote recovery for today’s residents.

Email us: [email protected]
Secure email: [email protected]